PSU CS 441/541 - Artificial Intelligence (Fall 2020)
Weekly outline
Lecture: Complete search
Lecture: Advanced search
Readings: Textbook chs. 3-4 -
Lecture: Local Search; CSPs
Lecture: Scheduling and planning
Readings: Textbook chs. 10.1-2, 11.1, 5 -
Lecture: Adversary search
Lecture: Logic: representation and inference
Reading: Textbook chs. 9, 12 (and review chs. 7-8) -
Lecture: Naïve Bayesian Reasoning; Machine Learning
Lecture: Machine Learning Methods; Machine Learning Issues
Readings: Textbook ch. 18 (18.5, 18.9 optional) -
Lecture: Artificial Neural Nets
Reading: Textbook ch. 18.7 -
Thursday 26 November — Thanksgiving, no class meeting
Lecture: Navigation, Control and Robotics
Programming, Minichess, gathering ML data
Reading: ch. 15.1-15.2.1 -