* Welcome To CS 441/541
Welcome To CS 441/541
10-week course on Artificial Intelligence
Tendency toward "classical" / "foundational" AI
Some machine learning
COVID (etc) Times
Many of you are having troubles; I feel for you
Remote learning is new and different
We will try to make it work as well as possible
CS PhD from U. Oregon Computational Intelligence Research Lab 1999
Big interests are state-space search in games (single and multiplayer), scheduling, planning, etc
This Course
A Course For 4th+Year Computer Scientists
You are expected to be able to write decent code coming in
You are expected to be comfortable with algorithms, discrete math, logic and calculus
If you are fairly uncomfortable with these, go fix that first
What We Won't Be Doing
Philosophy of AI. We will really concentrate on practice over theory
AI woo. We will concentrate on proven theories you can use to consistently produce practical results