Genetic Algorithms
Another biological model "inspiring" computation
Idea: Nature fits populations to environments
"Natural Selection" causes fittest elements of population to be preserved
Genes act as a "memory" of good features
Combining the genes of two individuals gives a combination of their features — big search space
Genetic Algorithm
Specify "genes" representing features to be learned
Construct a random "population" of n "genomes"
Remove genomes scoring lower on training set
Repopulate to size n by combining pairs from remainder of population
Optional: randomly "mutate" elements of population by changing genes
Removal Of Less-Fit Instances
Could just sort by score and remove lowest scorers
Problem: "genetic diversity" — all the high scorers tend to look alike
Better diversity through "tournament selection": take pairs of instances and remove the one with the lower score
Typically select pairs randomly
Methods for combining p1, p2:
"Crossover" selects some (random?) number of genes at start of p1, then fills in with genes from end of p2 — preserves positionally-related structures
"Shuffling" selects each gene randomly from p1 or p2 — mixes well
Loss Of Diversity
Big problem: After a while, population can start to look all alike; then combining doesn't do anything
Increase the population: Easy mode, but slows things down
Adjust amount of depopulation: Remove too many = loss of diversity. Remove too few = slow convergence
Adjust mutation rate: For largeish populations mutation is rarely necessary. Adjust rate for fastest convergence
Use similarity for depopulation: Cluster similar instances and remove the worst ones in each cluster
Choose a better genome: Feature engineering can reduce the search space size
Fancy GAs
"Predator / Prey" and other ecosystem approaches
"Biome" for covering different parts of the search space with different populations
Evaluation Of GA Approach
- Simple to do, understand
- Requires little understanding of problem
- Evolution can be slow
- Tuning still matters
Local Search As a Special Case
Note that if your population size n=1, this looks a lot like local search, for which
No memory / recombination, so much faster and cheaper but more sensitive to local conditions
Typically requires state-space engineering to work well
Doesn't accomodate continuous features well
Really scary faster
Interesting to compare the two approaches on real problems