Planning is related to scheduling, but:
Operators may (often will) have zero duration
Can perform an operation as many times as needed
Operations have preconditions and postconditions
Blocks World
Standard planning environment:
Consider blocks A, B, ... in stacks on a table in some way
Want to rearrange them some different way
Move a top block to (infinite) table to start a new stack
Pick up the top block of some stack and place it on top of a different stack
There is an easy algorithm that takes at most 2n operations for n blocks…
General Purpose Planning
Describe operators and environment in some generic way
Have a GP planner try to find a plan
Blocks World instances are hard for GP planners (!?)
Optimal Blocks World
Want a shortest restacking plan
Turns out this problem is NP-hard (PSPACE-complete!?)
Worse yet, finding an approximately shortest plan is NP-hard (?!?)
But can solve reasonable-sized instances by… A✶ search!
Best planners do big state-space change to reduce search
Advanced Planning
Logical formulation of planning problems for GP planners
Optimal-cost planning
Planning under uncertainty — what if:
Environment isn't really known for sure in the future
Operators might not do what they're supposed to