Brute Force

  • Collect training instances in a bag.

  • Pick matching training instance from bag, and classify target identically

  • Problems:

    • no/multiple matches
    • huge bag
    • slow classification

Minimum Distance Voting (k-Nearest Neighbor)

  • Help with some of the problems of brute force

  • Pick k "closest" instances from bag

    • Metric for boolean features is usually "Hamming Distance"

      H(v1, v2) = sum[i](v1[i] ^ v2[i])
  • Vote the instances

Naive Bayesian learning

  • (We've already looked at this)

  • Binary setting: Count the number of occurrences of each feature in positive and negative setting

  • Compare underestimates of probabilities using products

  • Take logs to turn products into sums

  • Use m-separation to get accurate products

Decision Trees and ID3

  • Want to build a "binary decision tree" that splits training set on binary features for a binary class

  • ID3 (Quinlan) idea:

    • Greedily pick a feature that splits the training set "as well as possible" into positive and negative subsets.

    • For each subset, recurse: pick a remaining feature to try to improve the split

    • Stop when the current subset is (almost) all one class

Information Gain

  • Select next feature f in tree to maximize information gain

    • Recall

      U(S) = sum[x in 0, 1] -pr(x in S) log pr(x in S)


      pr(x in S) = |S[c=x]| / |S|
    • Now compute information gain Δu for each feature f

      S+ = S[f=1]
      S- = S[f=0]
      Δu = u(S) - (|S+|/|S|) u(S+) - (|S-|/|S|) u(S-)
  • Avoid overfitting (gain is probably just training set anomaly)

    • Stop when gain from best split is below some threshold

    • Stop when statistical significance of split is low (chi^2 test)

  • Greedy is not optimal: mild independence assumption


  • "Artificial Neuron" (Papert et al): basis of neural nets

  • Handles continuous inputs and outputs well: we will binarize anyway because binary

  • Idea: predict the binary class as a thresholded weighted sum of the features

    c = sum[i] w[i] x[i] + w0 > 0

    (we will use unit weights and features: x[i], w[i] in [0..1]

  • Training consists of learning appropriate weights w

    • Assign some initial weights (random?)

    • Feed each training instance through the perceptron

    • Adjust the weights "toward the true classification"

      w[i] += a (c - y) x[i]
      w0 += a (c - y)

      where y is the unthresholded output. Remember that c and x are 0 or 1. a is the "learning rate": smalller (a < 0.1) means more reliable convergence, larger can mean faster learning or divergence

    • Run all the training instances repeatedly until the average accuracy isn't getting better

Last modified: Friday, 15 November 2019, 10:52 PM