
  • Recall the Perceptron

    h = sum[i] w[i] x[i] + w0
    y = h > 0
  • The Perceptron is trained using an error term

    w[i] += a (c - y) x[i]
    w0 += a (c - y)

"Neural" Nets

  • Idea: Glue PCTS together into a DAG so that they can learn more complicated functions

    x1 ^ x2 = (x1 | x2) & !(x1 & x2)
      w21 (w111 x1 + w112 x2 + w10 > 0)
    + w22 (w121 x1 + w122 x2 + w20 > 0)
    + w0 > 0
    • w111 and w112 positive
    • w121 and w122 negative
    • w21 positive
    • w22 negative
    • w10 and w20 and w0 zero
  • Note: The inner nonlinearity is critical. Otherwise simple algebra gives

      (w21 w111 + w22 w121) x1
      + (w21 w112 + w22 w122) x2
      + (w21 w10 + w22 w20 + w0) > 0
    a1 x1 + a2 x2 + a0 > 0

    and we're back where we started.

Training A Net

  • Obvious plan: just adjust all weights in the system by the error

  • This isn't a workable plan: it distributes error equally across all weights, including those that should go "the other way"

  • More traditional plan: distribute error according to effect on the output using ∂y/∂h

  • Sadly, the derivative of y = h > 0 is zero everywhere

htan Squashing Function

  • The hyperbolic tangent function is

    s(h) = (e**(2h) - 1) / (e**(2h) + 1)
  • You can plot it with gnuplot

  • You can adjust the constant to make it steeper or shallower,

    s(h) = (e**(ah) - 1) / (e**(ah) + 1)

    but customarily just pick 1

    s(h) = (e**h - 1) / (e**h + 1)
  • s(h) has a reasonable derivative everywhere, so we can distribute error more fairly

Beyond Perceptrons

  • One PCT is kind of a poor learner

  • Learning XOR is impossible

    x1 x2  y
     0  0  0
     0  1  1
     1  0  1
     1  1  0

    Cannot choose w1, w2 such that

    x1 * w1 + x2 * w2 > 0

    matches the sign

Leaky ReLU

  • Our htan squashing function is OK, but slow to compute

  • Saturation is an issue

  • Here's the new hotness in squashing functions: "Rectified Linear Unit". We will use a "leaky" ReLU, which avoids the "stuck neuron" problem

      s(h) = 0.1 h (h < 0), h (otherwise)
      ds/dh = 0.1 (h < 0), 1 (otherwise)
  • Inspired by biology; asymmetric; many clever variations

  • Leads to sparsely-activated nets

  • Avoids the vanishing gradient problem where a neuron gets "stuck"

Weight Assignment

  • We have a discriminator that can XOR, but how to pick the right weights?

  • Use training (or reinforcement) to adjust the weights as with PCT

  • Weight assignment by error backpropagation: gradient descent on error

  • Assume

    E = c - y

    where E is error, c is target response, y is output response

  • Change

    E[j-1] = sum[k] (w[k][i] E[k])
    w[j][i] += a E[j] y[j-i][i] dy/dx
    w0[j][i] += a E[j] dy/dx

    (or thereabouts; subscripts get fiddly)

  • Input layer is handled specially since there are no weights to adjust there

Big Nets

  • Typical architecture: "input layer" → hidden layers → output layer

    • Input layer is just the inputs, not actual neurons

    • More / wider (and fancier) hidden layers = more generalization ("deep learning")

    • Training gets slow quickly

  • Use multicore CPUs, SIMD graphics cards, Tensor Processing Units to do weight adjustments on a whole layer in parallel

ML Example: Neural Net Backgammon

  • What is backgammon?

  • Why is BG hard?

  • Gerry Tesauro 199x: TD(lambda) NN reinforcement learning can learn to play good BG from rules alone!

  • Add shallow search for tactics, tune: best BG player ever!

  • Humans learn BG from TD(lambda), close circle

  • Recently Go, Chess, etc

CS Ethics: Neural Net Actuarials?

  • Can build a neural net that

    • Given: training data about time-on-job
    • Predicts: expected time-on-job
  • Ethically, must use only socially sanctioned inputs, e.g. not race!

  • But

    • Net can infer race from e.g. eye color, average salary, traffic stops by location, the MMPI (!)

    • Net is nondeclarative: how does it use the inputs?

  • Net may inadvertantly "discriminate" based on hidden undesired variables

  • Worse, malicious person may adjust input choice and training data (even weights?) to discriminate

    • Hidden Delta theorems: NPC to find intentionally-induced errors
  • Conclusions?

Last modified: Friday, 15 November 2019, 10:53 PM