Rust Condition Handling

  • No exceptions (except panics which should not be caught)

  • Instead, two basic things a function can do when an error is encountered at runtime

    • Handle the error

    • Fail altogether via panic!()

    • Return some kind of result indicating an error to the caller, who can then deal with it

Error Handling: Panic

  • panic! is that thing that should never happen in a production program

  • Panic is a true exception: will be "unwound" by default, can be caught (!) but shouldn't be

  • Why unwinding? Because drops do cleanup by default, so leave the world safe as possible before exiting

Error Handling: Option

  • Option is Rust's alternative to special "sentinel" values, for example null pointers

  • Enum defined more or less like this:

    enum Option<T> {
    use Option::*;
  • Definitely read the API docs for std::option::Option carefully

  • The Option type is sometimes used for returning certain kinds of error

  • Style question here: best practice is probably to use Option for situations where nothing has really "failed" per se, but the semantics get mooted a lot

Error Handling: Result

  • Result is simple enum type with two value-carrying options: Ok and Err

    enum Result<T, E> {
    use Result::*;
  • Definitely read the API docs for std::result::Result carefully

  • "Normal" way to deal with errors in standard library and your own code

  • Err normally contains a value implementing std::error::Error; there are many kinds of these in the standard library

Error Handling: Unwrap and Expect

  • Methods of Option and Result. .unwrap() panics with a generic message on failure, .expect("x") panics with the message "x" on failure

  • Panic on None or Err, otherwise return the contents of Some or Ok

    let n = Some(7).unwrap(); // n is now 7
    let n = None.unwrap(); // program panics
  • Note .unwrap_or_else(), which is useful for supplying a default value or something in a few situations

An Example: Pop On Empty Stack

  • Can use a Vec as a stack:

    let mut stack = Vec::new();
    let v = stack.pop();
  • Could return random garbage. This is the C way

  • Could return a "default value", but what? And ugh

  • Could panic!(): pretty drastic. This is the Python way

  • Could return a Result with a custom error indicating popping an empty stack. Probably right if intent is for pop() to be a "partial function"

  • Could return an Option — what Vec does. This effectively indicates that popping an empty stack is not to be regarded as an error, but you should handle it. Probably right if intent is for pop() to be a "total function"

Handling Potential Errors: Pattern Matching

  • Easiest to understand, but most verbose: just deal with the enum directly

    // Print a str backward.
    let mut s = "hello".to_string();
    while let Some(c) = s.pop() {
        print!("{}", c);

    (See also the readline example.)

Handling Potential Errors: ?

  • Rust has the ? operator. This takes an Option or Result and unwraps if good, early-returns from the calling function with the error otherwise

    fn is_negative(s: &str) -> Result<bool, std::num::ParseIntError> {
        let n: i64 = s.parse()?;
        Ok(n < 0)
    fn main() {
  • It is allowed to declare main() to return a Result or Option. If main() returns an Err you will get an error message formatted some debuggy way

    fn main() -> Result<(), std::num::ParseIntError> {
        println!("{}", is_negative("")?);

Handling Potential Errors: Error Combinators

  • It is common to handle errors in a "functional" style using methods provided by Result and Option. This is handy when you want to keep going after an error

    let scaled_min = (0..n).min().and_then(|s| s / m).or_else(0);
  • This usage can be worth it, but can also be a bit tricky. It will take some practice

Last modified: Thursday, 15 April 2021, 12:55 AM