* Welcome To CS 300
Welcome To CS 300
10-week course on the basics of software engineering / development
Follow-on to first and second year CS
Preparation for Capstone and industry
COVID (etc) Times
Many of you are having troubles; I feel for you
Remote learning is new and different
We will try to make it work as well as possible
Professional software developer since the late 1970s
Various professional experience: two years full-time at Tektronix, contract jobs, etc
Taught in the Oregon Master of Software Engineering program
Published papers on open source software engineering
This Course
Let's review the syllabus…
The textbook is good, but…
Learn-by-doing: project focus, active assignments
A Course For Programmers
You are expected to be able to write decent code coming in
Bluntly, many of you can't
We will try to work on this in parallel with SE topics
If you are fairly uncomfortable with programming, go fix that first
Prescription and Description
Prescription: What people should do when developing software
Description: What people actually do when developing software
This course will strike some balance
I will try to call out my opinions
This Can Be Fun
Seeing the broader picture of building things is fun
Building things from nothing to completion is fun