Machine Learning
AI goal: replace human programming with "self-programming" (= predict appropriate behavior based on experience)
The example: infants
- language skills
- motor skills
- other behaviors
Usual dichotomy:
Algorithmic/heuristic "tricks"
Simulate human behavior (infant brain)
ML and Systems
Data flow in ML systems
Supervised: Train first, then use
Reinforcement: Train during use
Data complexity
Boolean, discrete, continuous
This course mostly Boolean
ML system evaluation
statistical significance
negative and positive examples
Type I (false-positive) and Type II (false-negative) error
Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) curves
Modes Of Learning
"Discovery" learning and "generalization" learning
Relation between discovery learning and generalization learning
Deductive learning: concluding things from principles
Theorem proving
Knowledge compilation
Deductive "KR-based" learning in some database
Basic idea: cache most general easily-derivable version of result in case similar query later
Inductive learning
Supervised vs. reinforcement
Training, validation (test), and classification data
Overtraining and overfitting
Ensemble learning: e.g. boosting