Music Feature Identification
Analyzing Sound Signals
Some things to do:
Identify beats, tempo
Identify time signature
Identify notes, melody, bass line
Identify key
Identify chords, harmonies
All of these are hard!
Caveat: Will mostly talk about pop
Beat Id: Direct Methods
Convert signal to power by squaring each sample (maybe sqrt, maybe log)
Search for impulse "spikes" in power
Lowpass filter to smooth the signal?
Look for spikes above some reference amplitude. Autodetect amplitude?
Look for high second derivative (difference) of power
Select based on expectations about time
Beats are unlikely to occur less than a few milliseconds apart
Leading edge of beat is unlikely to be more than a millisecond long
Can distinguish drumbeat (noise) from note attack (spectral)
Limitations of all this are many:
Heuristic, so much tuning is required. ML?
Music signals are complex: beats buried in signal, irregular beats, drum rolls, etc
Tempo Id
Take input beats and find "appropriate" periodicity
Obviously multiple and partial beats exist, so looking for the "fundamental" beat frequency
Tempo likely in the range of 60-300 bpm
Use a "Phase-Locked Loop" architecture or an autocorrelator to detect dominant beat frequency
Time Signature Id
Look for accented beats: 4/4 !.x. 3/4 !.. 6/8 !..x.. etc
Look for chord changes: see below
Note Id
Can get very fancy
Simple method
Build a filter bank
Watch for changes in power at key frequencies. Tuning?
Lots of heuristics are helpful
Harmonics are a pain
Let's build some software:
Fancy paper:
Melody, Bass Line Id
Look for top and bottom sounding notes
Rests are an issue
Key, Chord Id
See which major or minor scale notes in key signature are most consonant with found notes
See which chords that make sense for the key seem to be present
Keep in mind that borrowed chords are a real thing, so improve heuristic scores by considering them
Chord stacks are a pain
ML may be really helpful here?
State of the Art
Is not that great
Garage Band cheats and uses MIDI/keys rather than notes? But transcription is cool
Shazam, SoundHound etc identify songs by first few notes of melody (also by soft matching against signal, which is not really analysis)